the league participates in the united nations commission on crime prevention and criminal justice

From May 13 to 17, 2024, the 33rd Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) was held in Vienna, Austria. Organized under the auspices of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), this event brought together key figures in justice and human rights to discuss global security challenges.

The league Advocates for a More Protective Justice System

Among the representatives present, Rhizlane Ikhlef voiced the league’s position by addressing key agenda points, particularly items 6 and 7, which focus on political and institutional responses to international crime challenges. Throughout this intensive week, the league participated in strategic discussions with NGOs and member state representatives, emphasizing the need for stronger cooperation to prevent crime and protect vulnerable populations.

One of the highlights of the league’s intervention was its statement on violence against children. In a powerful speech, it underscored the urgency of addressing abuse and violations of children’s rights, stressing the necessity of adopting effective prevention policies and protection mechanisms on a global scale.

The league’s active participation in the CCPCJ demonstrates its unwavering commitment to a more humane criminal justice system and stronger victim protection. As discussions at this 33rd Commission outline the framework for future international policies, the league remains dedicated to ensuring that these commitments lead to tangible progress on the ground.

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